
Thursday, May 27, 2010

The Basics-Lesson #2

Today I want to talk “over spending” of your hard earned money.

I was reading an article about how people who buy things with their credit cards. They tend to spend more than if paying with a check or cash.

I asked myself the question, was I guilty of this, too?

The answer is yes.

I don’t want to use my debit card or credit card on a $2 purchase, so I buy more than I need, so I spend $10 on some things I don’t need instead of just spending the $2 dollars.

If a person does this enough of the time then we are getting ourselves in a very bad habit.

Then, if you don’t or can’t pay off your credit cards every month you pay interest.

The longer we do this the worse off we get.

If we would look back at all the times we spent more than we needed, and then added up all the extras, we would see that we probably wouldn’t owe anything on our card at all.

$8 doesn’t seem like much, but over a year’s time and doing this every week, it adds up to $416. That’s a good chunk of money.

Just what would you do with that money? That’s up to you.

So here’s my advice, always have some cash on hand. You can use it for the little purchases. Keep your debit or credit cards for the big ticket items.

Remember to always pay off your credit card bills every month.

If using the debit card make sure to keep a good record of where and when you use it.

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

The Basics-Lesson #1

Good evening to my followers all 5 of you.
I want to discuss money with you.
Let me ask you a question--What does it mean to say someone is rich, many of you will say that means they have more money than they need and don’t ever have to worry about paying their bills or where their next meal comes from right.
One of my goals with my business is to take the everyday person and teach them to pay their bills and have enough left over so they worry less about money and enjoy life more.
Also I want to stress they usually can accomplish this with the money they already make.
There are always exceptions to this and I know people who tried and tried and their money situation didn’t have a happy ending.
For the rest of you I believe with some common sense and some hard choices, we can fix your situation and help you breathe easier.
I looking forward to this and will love telling the success stories afterwards.

Saturday, May 15, 2010

Welcome to Moore Money

Call or email me to set up a private consultation

Let me teach you how to control your money,

instead of letting your money control you.